
Felted gnome house

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Felted fairy mini House..
Price: €45,00   Availability: 0  
Felted fairy House from natural wool made to order . waldorf Inspired felted home for the fairy or gnome made...
Felted fabulous fairy / Gnome ..
Price: €40,00   Availability: 0  
waldorf Inspired felted home for the fabulous fairy or gnome made ​​from natural wool made in the techniqu...
Felted Pumpkin gnome home autu..
Price: €45,00   Availability: 0  
waldorf Inspired Felted Pumpkin Who doesn't love fragrant bright pumpkins gilded by the sun? In my case, I...
waldorf play set for kids - gn..
Price: €100,00   Availability: 0  
waldorf play set for kids - felted crochet house, gnome, sheep and trees in the set: -1 Dwarf wooden doll dre...

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